By Victoria Healthcare 11 April 2019

Travelling is a perfect family gathering after the long working days. However, travelling with kids surely is not easy for most parents. We’ve always had a hard time packing before the trip “do I forget anything”, “should I bring this or not”, “is my kid okay with the plane”, “can my kid handle a long way trip”, “what medicine should I prepare” etc.
Pham Thi Xuan Linh, MD., will help to ease your worry and advise you on what to do with different kinds of transportations as well as necessary medical supplies for a safe and happy family trip.
A first-aid box should include:
- Fever reduction or painkillers pills based on the child’s weight (ibuprofen or acetaminophen).
- Allergy pills (antihistamine: hydrocortisone cream ).
- Anti-vomit or diarrhea pills. Anti-motion sickness pills, prescription pills (for asthma, heart disease etc).
- Bandages, cotton, sterile gauze, silk tapes.
- Antiseptic drugs (alcohol or betadine) and eye drops.
- Small scissors, tweezers, thermometer
- Burn ointment and anti-mosquito lotion or spray
- Sun screen
- (optional) Epi-pen to inject for life-threatening acute allergic reactions
+ If your child has asthma, make sure his/her conditions are stable and always under your control. Keep the child’s drugs in your pockets or by your side all the time.
+ If you travel abroad, you should bring along a health certificate stating medical conditions and prescription drugs (written in generic name) because of the drugs’ name might be different in each country.
Kids with motion sickness
+ Do not:
- Drink sour fruit juices.
- Eat foods that have high fat content.
- Let your child remain hungry.
+ Do:
- Have your child eat small, healthy snacks frequently.
- If they experience motion-sickness, encourage them to look straight ahead (the driver’s direction). Look out the windows rather than reading books, playing games or watching TV which makes them dizzy.
- Open the windows for fresh air or help them to sleep, which will help to make them more comfortable.
If you plan to travel by plane
When your child is having signs of ear infection, you should see a doctor before your trip. If your child does have an ear infection, the doctor would ask you to postpone the flight until the child gets better. Otherwise, your child may suffer from ear pain or even eardrum rupture. During take-offs and landings:
- Child from 0-3 years old: breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Toddlers: drinking water constantly (put your child in a sitting position).
- Child over 3 years old: have him/her suck on a lollipop or chewing gum or yawn frequently.