

By Victoria Healthcare 11 April 2019



We all wish it was as simple as just throwing that pack of cigs in the trash-bin.  Fact is, smoking is an addiction – nicotine is as addictive a drug as cocaine or heroin.  

So you will go through some withdrawl and you need to be ready:  See our doctors and support staff before you quit and let us help you and your family help you.  Maybe you will need medications, maybe a support group, maybe just sympathetic ears.  

Be ready to quit – then quit.

Medicine can Help

Nicotine patches or gum can help ease the withdrawl.  Also, ask our doctor about other medications that can help your brain adapt to a cleaner life.

“You Can Lean on Me”

It is likely that your wife and kids, as well as your parents, are all on your side of the battle.  They will help you and encourage you to keep going.  Our doctors and staff will work with them to help you.

Our doctors and staff can counsel you on techniques and tips and listen to you when you need us.

Your friends may be a mixed bag – some will think you are unmanly, but others will help you if they are true friends.  Maybe some of them will join you.  Many sticks together cannot be broken!

Take a Break

Although nicotine is a stimulant, it psychology relaxes you.  You’ll need new ways to break up stress.

Exercise, listening to your favorite tunes, a nice massage, or time with family and (nonsmoking) friends are all big helps.

Try to avoid especially stressful times, although our lives often do not give us that opportunity.  Just have a way to handle it without going back to lighting up.

Cut down on alcohol, find substitutes

It is hard to quit everything that is fun in your life, but cutting back on the beer may help, since you probably smoke when you drink.  If you still go out for drinks with your friends who smoke, be ready with gum to chew or eat more of the bar food (oops! don’t get fat!).

Other times that you smoke may need substitutes.  If you smoke after meals, consider chewing gum, texting or going for a walk (very healthy!).

If you smoke with coffee in the morning, find some of these substitutes there, too, or switch to tea.

“Destroy the Evidence!”

When you quit, it will help you to get rid of everything you can that reminds you.  Ashtrays, smoky-smelling clothes can be washed, as can draperies, etc., that hold the smell.  If you smoke in your car or office, use air fresheners.  Get rid of as much as you can of whatever reminds you of smoking.

Never Quit Quitting

It’s easy to backslide and light up again.  But the name of the game is to quit one more time than you restart.  You can do it!  Think about what triggered you to light up and be ready to face that when you quit again.

Use the slip as an opportunity to double-down on quitting this time.  Once more, get prepared and get the help you need.

Love Those Fruits and Veggies

Part of your new opportunity is a healthier diet.  The Vietnamese diet is vey healthy but these days has more meat, as well as lots of rice (bad carbohydrates), and salt.

This one is easy.  Go more to fresh fruits and veggies – and what greater country is there for these?  Stick to chicken and seafood for protein.

This is not only healthy but will keep you from gaining weight as you quit.

Reward Yourself

You will save money by quitting.  You don’t need an accountant to figure out the savings.  Spend a little on a treat for yourself or your family.

This is an Investment that Just Gets Better with Time

Every day your body recovers a little more.  After a day the toxic carbon monoxide is gone.  By 2 or 3 weeks, your odds of having a heart attack have already dropped some.

In the long run, your life expectancy gets nearly to normal and you greatly cut your risk of lung and other cancers, heart disease and stroke.