By Victoria Healthcare 16 August 2019

Fatty liver is a condition in which liver cells accumulate 5% to 10% more fat of the liver. To determine whether the liver is fatty or not, it must be calculated based on measurements of the liver. However, more than 95% of cases have "fatty liver" results only diagnosed by ultrasound methods, which makes many people confused.
There are many causes of fatty liver (GNM) consequences. It may be due to metabolic diseases, heavy drinking habits, nutritional disorders, or drug use. GNM disease is showing signs of increasing as our environment and eating habits have changed. We no longer have to abstain from eating and drinking, but we are beginning to be aware of eating well, eating well ... Besides, the increasing number of pubs and the habits of many businessmen are discussed. on the table drinking. However, all of the above reasons cannot make GNM a "pandemic" as the statistics show that more than 90% of health checkups have ultrasound results as GNM.
In fact, to determine whether our liver is really fat or not, it is necessary to pass blood tests to check whether liver enzymes are high (based on indicators of SGOT, SGPT, GGT). The most accurate way is by biopsy of the liver for microscopy to calculate the percentage (%) of cells containing fat particles. We also need to understand that GNM is also divided into: GNM level I, level II, level III, level IV. Depending on the severity, the doctor may give you additional tests such as CT, MRI, hepatitis B - C ...
This shows that we cannot just look at the liver image alone when ultrasound can know whether fatty liver or not. In fact, the ultrasound results indicate "fatty liver" is just a description of ultrasound doctors about the echogenicity of liver tissue owners and compared with other organs such as the kidneys. Therefore, this is not necessarily due to the weak level of ultrasound doctors, but just a misunderstanding about the interpretation between doctors and patients.
Most cases of GNM are asymptomatic and most patients with GNM are middle-aged and overweight. Patients often detect high hepatomegaly or elevated liver enzymes through regular checkups or in some cases when a computerized tomography is indicated to screen for another condition. However, some suggestions to think about the possibility of getting hepatitis when you have the following signs: fatigue and discomfort in the right upper abdomen, if severe condition may cause jaundice, abdominal pain , nausea, vomiting and slightly enlarged liver. Depending on different causes, each case will have systemic symptoms or characteristic signs of that cause.
Excessive GNM can lead to hepatitis, a condition known as steatohepatitis and this is also the cause of liver damage. If steatohepatitis is associated with alcoholism, beer is called alcoholic steatohepatitis. On the other hand, there is a fatty infection of liver but not related to alcohol is called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
The treatment of GNM cannot only be treated with drugs or surgery, especially if GNM is not caused by alcohol. The things that patients need to do are:
- Weight Loss
- Change your diet according to your doctor's instructions, such as: reducing fat in your diet, using fat-reducing pills or both methods or making a balanced and adequate diet.
- It is compulsory that you stay away from the use of tobacco and alcohol.
- All around, you should be more active and participate in athletics.
- Re-examine with specialist regularly.
The above tips are simple but not easy to implement, need a determination especially in changing eating habits, daily living habits. In fact, treatment shows that many patients cannot change their habits so the treatment process is not effective and costly in terms of cost, time and the patient's spirit.
The article by Dr. Nguyen Vinh Tuong, Victoria Healthcare Clinic Hepatobiliary Gastroenterology